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Nucs (Nucleus Hives) -Available 2025

Nucs, or Nucleus Hives, are small honey bee colonies created from larger colonies. The term refers both to the smaller size box and the colony of honeybees within it. The name is derived from the fact that a nuc hive is a complete colony centered around a queen – the nucleus of the honey bee colony.

We offer strong, locally-sourced 5-frame nucs.


Don and Jean Lam have been keeping bees for nearly 25 years. They provide pollination services and produce honey, and frequently host field trips to their apiaries. Don teaches local and state beekeeping classes and gives presentations to community groups.

Don is an officer of the Holland Area Beekeepers’ Association and serves on the board of directors for the Michigan Beekeepers’ Association. Don and Jean have made trips to Georgia for bees for more than a dozen years.

OFFICE: 616-335-2707

Phone: 616-886-1116

email: don@donlambees.com

A Note from Our Supplier

“…We have been breeding cold weather queens from Washington, Maine, Michigan, and the Mountain states…for high brood production, gentle traits, possible hygienic nature, and high honey production. Our Georgia bees are only bred in the south, and represent the best of what our country has to offer to the hobbyist and the commercial beekeeper….”
Don Lam is an officer of the Holland Area Beekeepers’ Association and serves on the board of directors for the Michigan Beekeepers’ Association.

Don Lam Bees

882 West 26th Street Holland, MI

Don Lam Bees